Donate now
Living in a war afflicted area as a family in the North of Ethiopia and having seen all the sufferings, it is our greatest wish to help as much as we can. People die due to lack of food and medicine. As we live together with the people of te community we have access to the most needy people. We do not have administrational expenses, therefore your donation will be used to 100% for the people in need.
One of our extended goals are to help farmers who used to employ people but there farms have been destroyed. By this we can create jobs and food at the same time. Any support also in kind ore skill is welcomed.
Please feel free to contact us for more informations.
We thank you in advance for your support!
The Gehrig family.

Account holder
Josua and Heidi Gehrig
Raya Azebo, Baage Delwo
Tigray, Ethiopia
Account No. and BIC/SWIFT
IBAN CH8609000000304794520
BIC (SWIFT-Code) from PostFinance POFICHBEXXX
Bank Name and Adress
PostFinance AG
Mingerstrasse 20
CH-3030 Bern